Questions & Answers for Shimada Tokushu Glass Co.,Ltd. - Minato

Here you will find questions & answers for Shimada Tokushu Glass Co.,Ltd.. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or JapanYello users.
I broke my vegetable press which I used to remove water from salted fresh cucumbers. It was made of plastic. It had a lid with a screw down plate (no spring). It removed a lot of water from the cucumbers; then I could make a cucumber salad. I used this press many times every summer for 20+ years. The lid cracked, but I could still use it. Finally this summer the bowl correc I could still use it. Finally this summer the bowl cracked. :o(
I have bought two similar products from Japan, but they are more for making pickles and kimchi. The screw down plate does not squeeze the vegetables, it only keeps the vegetables under the pickling brine.
Do you still make this vegetable press?
Do you know where I could buy a vegetable Chris container?
Thank you
Bella Dolci

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